Saturday, October 8, 2016

Java interview questions

what is java ?
java is programing language feature which help us to mack object oriented programs with platform independence
we can make any type of application like web application stand- alone application it support lots of feature like
simple robust platform independent etc
what is oops ?
oops specification is object oriented programing
The feature of oops are :
1 object
2 class
3 inheritance
4 polymorphism
5 abstraction
6 encapsulation

what is polymorphsim in java ?
what is polymorphsim ?
to do ability to do more then one task is know as ploymorphsim
we can achieve this in java by using method Overloading and method overriding
Method overloading ?
multiple methods in class with same name but different parameter is know as method overloading !!
1 method have same name
2 parameter should be different by number or by type
3 return type may be same or different
it is used to enhance readability of program
we can use any type of scope and exception in this


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